Students abroad

Current students abroad

Follow our current students as they travel, work, and study abroad! Here you will be able to keep up with our students and their adventures abroad via blogs, photos, and videos.

Fall 2024

  • Freya Oesterle is a junior chemical engineering and German studies major who will spend the year living and studying in Aachen, Germany. Explore his blog.

Summer 2024

  • Adam Gockley is a sophomore chemical and biomedical engineering major spending the summer in Dortmund, Germany. Follow along with his adventures.
  • Lex Capestany is a junior Civil Engineering major who is spending his summer in Copenhagen, Denmark. Follow his journey through his e-journal.
  • Belle Blanchard is a mechanical engineer spending her summer in Nantes, France. She is keeping an e-journal of her time abroad. 

Spring 2024

  • Purva Bommireddy is a civil engineering junior studying abroad this spring. You can follow her experience via her instagram account. 

Fall 2023

  • Josiah Miggiani is an ECE junior studying this fall in the Netherlands. You can follow his experience on his blog.
  • Bradley Ma is a senior in ECE spending the semester studying in Thailand. Follow Bradley's blog to learn more. 

Spring 2023

  • Katie Hart is a junior EnvE/EPP double major who is studying abroad in Rome, Italy this semester. You can follow her blog to learn more about her travels.
  • Carla Gomez-Fonseco (environmental engineering) spent the summer between her sophomore and junior years studying in Costa Rica. She shares her experience through her instagram account. 

Past travelers

Read more about our students’ past experiences.


Please note that opinions and statements made by students in their personal blogs do not necessarily reflect those of the College of Engineering or of Carnegie Mellon University.