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Learning encompasses more than just attending classes. The College of Engineering strongly encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities and explore engineering beyond the classroom. Several student organizations are available for students to join, which can help them expand their knowledge and skills, meet new people, and enhance their college experience. These committees and organizations are inclusive and open to all individuals, regardless of gender, race, or national origin. Request an Engineering room for a student organization event.
AISES is a national nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of Indigenous peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) studies
AIChE at Carnegie Mellon unites and promotes collaboration between chemical engineering students and helps them collaborate with professors and other chemical engineers from around the world. AIChE sponsors exciting and valuable resources for all chemical engineering students through lectures, seminars, and mentorship.
The vision of ASCE, America’s oldest national engineering society, is “to position engineers as global leaders building a better quality of life.” The Carnegie Mellon chapter of ASCE fulfills this mission by providing social, educational, and professional development opportunities to Civil Engineering majors.
ASME promotes the art, science, and practice of mechanical engineering through programs and activities such as design competitions, social activities, and factory tours. A free e-Library of engineering resource books, professional development opportunities, and student conferences are just some of the membership benefits.
Undergraduate members of the Carnegie Mellon BMES are active in raising awareness of the biomedical engineering field. The committee promotes social interactions and the exchange of ideas between all levels of undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty.
This annual “Freestyle Tinkering” festival serves as an intellectual playground for the brightest and most creative Carnegie Mellon students. At the beginning of the spring semester, Build18 is open to all CMU students interested in tinkering for fun.
SAE is the worldwide leader in automotive education and mobility engineering advancement. Becoming part of the Carnegie Mellon Chapter of SAE is the best way to get involved with the automotive industry at an undergraduate level. SAE will give you hands-on experience and practical knowledge and be an exciting and fast-paced extracurricular.
This group competes in NASA’s Student Launch competition, which requires participants to design, build, test, and fly a high-powered, reusable rocket while carrying a payload.
The Student Advisory Council provides a communication pathway between undergraduate Chemical Engineering students and department leadership on courses, community, and environment matters.
The ChemE Cube team aims to design, build, and test a one-cubic-foot plant that produces a desired product based on an annual problem statement provided by the RAPID Manufacturing Institute. The team competes at the annual competition held during the AIChE Student Conference through a head-to-head duel and creation of an ad, poster, and pitch presented to judges during the competition.
The students of the ChemE Car, a student project team, maintain a goal of designing, building, and testing a small-scale automobile that is powered and controlled by chemical means to compete in regional and national competitions sponsored by AIChE. All majors are welcome!
ChiEp is an honors society that fosters the development and exercise of sound traits of character and technical ability among Civil Engineers by precept and example, working toward an even higher standard of professional service.
The Engineering Ambassadors (EAs) are a talented group of undergraduate students from the College of Engineering. They are trained extensively in communication and leadership skills, which they use for outreach to the K-12 community throughout the Greater Pittsburgh Area. They provide high-quality engineering programming to historically underrepresented groups in STEM and strive to create opportunities for STEM exposure that reflect the needs of each community. EAs participate in site visits to schools and out-of-school-time providers in the area, as well as on-campus events, which allow students to learn engineering concepts through experiential learning.
The Engineering Student Council (ESC) aims to foster a strong sense of community within the college by promoting the development and well-being of engineering students. The ESC is a team of 11 dedicated students across multiple departments and years. Under the guidance of College of Engineering Assistant Dean Kurt Larsen, we work to build and foster a unified and supportive engineering community by creating and implementing various activities and events for engineering students.
ECE Outreach aims to provide grade school, middle school, and high school students with opportunities to learn about engineering and figure out whether it’s a good career choice for them.
ECE SAC is an undergraduate student advisory committee that represents the undergraduate community to the ECE administration. ECE SAC works to provide feedback on undergraduate issues, including curriculum, facilities, computing, events, professional development, and other areas as appropriate.
Representatives for 2023-2024:
EWB-USA helps create a more stable and prosperous world by addressing people’s basic human needs and providing necessities such as clean water, power, sanitation, and education. EWB-USA’s strength comes from its over 250 dedicated chapters, including university chapters on 180 campuses in the United States.
HKN is the Honor Society of the Electrical & Computer Engineering department. At Carnegie Mellon, members of the Sigma Chapter synergize to network and build relationships in the engineering community. HKN membership is open to juniors and seniors with exceptional character, leadership, teamwork, and quality.
The Carnegie Mellon Student Chapter of IEEE organizes various social events and meetings throughout the school year. Most notably, IEEE sponsors seminars that showcase engineers on the industry’s cutting edge. These seminars not only give students a clear picture of what can be accomplished with their degree but also help students establish corporate relationships.
Contact the IEEE group for more information. Opens in new window
The national Materials Advantage organization is a combined student program of four professional societies in the field of Materials Science: The American Ceramic Society (ACerS), Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST), ASM International, and The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS). The national organization funds student travel to conferences and events and provides scholarship and career search assistance. Materials Advantage at Carnegie Mellon works to connect students with postgraduate options.
The purpose of MSE SAC is to improve the MSE undergraduate department by providing students the opportunity to give course feedback and department feedback. MSE SAC also strives to increase student engagement with the department by holding events for students and staff.
The Student Advisory Council links students and the Undergraduate Education Committee for feedback and suggestions on improvements and changes in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Students are encouraged to contact their SAC representative with questions about undergraduate issues.
The NSBE’s mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively affect the community. The Carnegie Mellon chapter of NSBE participates in activities such as tutorial programs, group study sessions, high school/junior high outreach programs, technical seminars, and workshops, in addition to taking advantage of all the resources and opportunities afforded by the national organization.
oSTEM is committed to bringing queer students interested in STEM together in a welcoming and active community through professional and social events. oSTEM will organize events to foster connections between queer STEM students on campus, support CMU students in attending the annual oSTEM conference, and provide professional programming to support queer students in pursuing a STEM career.
The Carnegie Iota Chapter was the result of the activity of the local fraternity, Mu Epsilon, established in March 1930, whose ideals were essentially the same as Pi Tau Sigma. Under the leadership of William A. Anderson and the guidance of Professor T. G. Estep, the petition was presented to Pi Tau Sigma. The formal installation ceremonies were conducted by members of Penn State Zeta Chapter on May 20, 1930. Carnegie Iota Chapter sponsors a year-end picnic for Department of Mechanical Engineering students and faculty, informative seminars on the selection of options, and a seminar to introduce mechanical engineering first-year students to the department. Each pledge class publishes The Shaft, a semi-humorous newsletter for the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Prepare Asian heritage scientists and engineers for success in the global business world
The Carnegie Mellon chapter of SHPE strives to increase the number of Hispanic engineering and science students at Carnegie Mellon by developing programs with industry and the university. These activities are designed to increase career awareness, encourage relationships with professionals, develop leadership skills, and promote academic excellence.
SWE is a highly active organization that offers members scholarships, career, service, and social opportunities. Some highlights of SWE’s programming include their annual Winter Ball, participation in National Engineers Week, the SWE National Convention, and the Carnival Booth building.
Founded in 2005, Carnegie Mellon Solar Racing (CMSR) is an undergraduate engineering organization dedicated to the promotion and use of solar energy. The CMSR team researches, designs, and engineers all aspects of a solar-electric boat and competes in races around the world, including the Solar1 Grand Prix (Monaco), the DONG Energy Solar Challenge (The Netherlands), and Solar Splash. Each race tests all aspects of the boat’s design, including speed, agility, sustainability, and endurance.
Tau Beta Pi is a College of Engineering honors society that recognizes outstanding engineering students nationwide and gives them a forum to apply their talents to better the world in which they live. Among its members are two Draper prize winners, seven postage stamp honorees, nine winners of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, 12 Nobel laureates, 24 honorees in the National Inventors Hall of Fame, 27 recipients of the National Medal of Technology, 41 astronauts, 65 recipients of the National Medal of Science, and hundreds more successful engineers.
The Theme Park Engineering Group’s mission is to connect people to the themed entertainment industry through opportunities to hear from industry professionals, go to the parks, and network with people already involved in the industry. Some overall objectives are to cultivate a community of people who are passionate about themed entertainment, seek university support for people to go to industry conventions, and encourage involvement in industry competitions.
WinECE is an organization for the professional development of female students and alumni in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon. The primary goal of Women in ECE is to help its members develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are necessary for success in their careers.
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