Student group funding process
College of Engineering student group funding guidelines
In order for a student group to receive funding, it must meet the following criteria:
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student-run organization recognized by Student Government
- Must have a constitution (by-laws):
Must have mission and goals, membership, officers, selection/elections, officer vacancies, meetings, committees, finances, procedure for changing and/or constitution - Funds will be supplemental to those provided by SLICE and associated academic departments
These funds should be committed first and documented in the applications - If funded, groups must submit annual activity and financial reports
Categories of expenses that are eligible for funding
- Operations
E.g., Gifts, prizes, registration or membership fees, AB Tech, fence painting, etc. - Food
GBM (general body meetings), college-wide events, internal events, recruitment - Advertising
- Travel
Conferences and tours
Review process
- Review by Engineering UG Funding Committee composed of:
- Associate Deans of UG Studies and DEI
- Faculty or staff member who is also an organization advisor
- A representative student leader (President of Engineering Student Council)
- Review Criteria
- Impact on the engineering community
- The total amount available to fund all student groups
- Documented commitment of other funding sources
- Groups may appeal funding decisions
Application timeline for AY 2025 to 2026 funding
- March 17 to April 25, 2025: Engineering Funding Applications Accepted
- May 2, 2025: Preliminary funding decisions released
- May 5 to 8, 2025: Appeals accepted
- May 9, 2025: Final funding decisions released