The Engineering Student Council (ESC) hosts various events throughout the year, including CIT Pride Day, Sweet Relief, Let’s Get Stuffed, Engineering Week, and Senior Send-Off, as described below. In addition to these annual events, ESC holds professional development events such as corporate panels and a Research Fair. Check out our upcoming events on our Facebook or Instagram at @cmuesc!

CIT Pride Day


CIT Pride Day celebrates Carnegie Mellon University engineering students and their activities. The event features a buffet, music, lawn games, and even balloon animals! All students who attend receive a t-shirt and College of Engineering swag, have the opportunity to check out featured engineering organization booths, and commune with fellow undergraduate engineers.

Sweet Relief

Midterm Season

As midterms begin to pile up, so does the stress. ESC’s Sweet Relief helps students relax by handing out candy bars and hot chocolate during this busy time.

Let’s Get Stuffed


ESC hosts a Thanksgiving-style feast for engineering students in November, decked with seasonal games, pumpkin decorating, swag, and prize giveaways. Highlights from the menu include turkey, stuffing, mac and cheese, and pie, as well as plenty of delicious vegetarian and vegan options.

Engineering Week


Engineering Week is a week to highlight the contributions that engineers make to society. ESC hosts various events throughout the week, such as tech talks, trivia night at The Yard, and scavenger hunts. Engineers from all departments of the College of Engineering come together to celebrate the critical field.

Food for Thought

Finals Week

Food for Thought gives students during finals week a space to relax, hang out with their fellow engineers, and study for exams. Snacks and an open coffee bar are provided so students can comfortably study and commune during this busy time.

Food for Thought

Senior Send-Off


As a final event for College of Engineering seniors, ESC hosts Senior Send-Off, a social event featuring open bars, live music, appetizers, desserts, and raffle drawings. All seniors also receive a special gift and have a chance to mingle with their fellow graduating classmates. ESC wishes the best for seniors in their future endeavors and careers.