Media Mentions
AM Media
Beuth 3D prints critical component of nuclear power plant for Westinghouse
MechE’s Jack Beuth was featured on AM Media’s Cool Parts Show demonstrating how spacer grids comprising 38 separate pieces that are stamped, joined, and welded can now be additively manufactured using the laser powder bed fusion process.
Whitefoot discusses digital twin technology
EPP/MechE's Kate Whitefoot was quoted in an IBM newsletter about how digital twin technology can help reduce climate change.
Fast Company
Whitefoot quoted on EV metrics
EPP/MechE's Kate Whitefoot was quoted in Fast Company about the role of metrics in EV advertising.
Additive Manufacturing Media
CMU preparing industry and students for future of AM with AI
Work underway at Carnegie Mellon is helping industrial additive manufacturers achieve success today, while applying artificial intelligence to designing AM alloys, optimizing AM parameters, lowering AM’s skills barrier and addressing a fundamental AM problem—spatter.
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