
Sneha Prabha Narra received her B.E. in civil engineering in 2012 from Osmania University, M.S. in computational mechanics in 2013, M.S. in mechanical engineering in 2015, and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering in 2017 from Carnegie Mellon University. She then completed her postdoctoral training at the NextManufacturing Center at Carnegie Mellon University. She subsequently joined the mechanical engineering department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) as an assistant professor in Fall 2018. She spent three years at WPI prior to joining the CMU Mechanical Engineering Department in July 2021.

She is currently serving as the Associate Editor of the Additive Manufacturing journal and plays an active role in organizing AM symposia and workshops through the TMS Additive Manufacturing bridge committee.

304 Scaife Hall
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Advancing Metals Additive Manufacturing Technology


2017 Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

2015 M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

2013 M.S., Computational Mechanics, Carnegie Mellon University

2012 B.E., Civil Engineering, Osmania University

Media mentions

the Manufacturing Futures Institute

CMU student, professor, and alumnus receive ICAM awards

International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing awardees were recognized for contributions to advanced manufacturing research.

the Manufacturing Futures Institute

AI generates missing parts of temperature distribution

Researchers have found a way to reconstruct the complete temperature profile in real time using only the partial data available from in situ sensors used in additive manufacturing.

CMU Engineering

NASA mentor guides student’s career trajectory

Campus research experience, NASA internship, and advice from a mentor propel material science and engineering student, Lauren Fitzwater, to pursue a minor in additive manufacturing.

CMU Engineering

Undergraduates present research at Meeting of the Minds 2024

Engineering undergraduate students had a wonderful showing at Meeting of the Minds, displaying posters, giving presentations, and demonstrating projects they have worked on this past academic year.

CMU Engineering

These defects are not to be mistaken as scratches

Shrinkage porosity, a common defect in metal castings, has been identified in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing.

CMU Engineering

Mill 19 growing a digital backbone

Digital backbone at Mill 19 will make data readily available for advancing digital twin and AI-related manufacturing research.

CMU Engineering

CMU to Lead NASA Space Technology Research Institute

A new NASA Space Technology Research Institute (STRI) led by Carnegie Mellon University seeks to shorten the cycle required to design, manufacture, and test parts that can withstand the conditions of space travel through constructing models for qualification and certification.

CMU Engineering

A sweet way to teach kids about manufacturing

Sneha Prabha Narra uses hands-on activities to introduce engineering and additive manufacturing concepts to local grade school students.

CMU Engineering

Biden calls for investment in American innovation

President Biden touted the importance of advanced manufacturing innovation, robotics, 3D printing, and artificial intelligence during his recent visit to Mill 19.

Mechanical Engineering

Metal 3D printing across scales

New faculty member Sneha Prabha Narra is interested in utilizing recent advances in in-situ monitoring, process modeling, and fundamentals of welding to advance the use of wire arc additive manufacturing for new applications and materials.