Throughout the year, Carnegie Mellon University’s College of Engineering offers a variety of programs for K-12 students to excite them about and engage them in STEM. Our programs are designed to be interactive and fun learning experiences that provide opportunities for K-12 students to not only learn about engineering but also develop age-appropriate critical thinking, problem-solving, and design skills. All of our programs are free. We offer in-person programs, as well as offer a variety of virtual programs so that students from all over the region and beyond can participate.

For more information on K-12 STEM programs offered by the Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering, please contact the Engineering Outreach Office.

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Available programs

Program Target audience Location Timing
Classroom and out of school visits All K-12 students Off-campus Throughout the school year
SEE camps 8 - 11th grade On-campus Summer
Moving 4th into Engineering 4th grade On-campus Fall
Be an Engineer 9 - 12th grade On-campus Fall
Destination: Innovation 5 - 6th grade On-campus Winter
Everyday Engineering 7 - 8th grade On-campus Winter
Explore Engineering Expo 3 - 5th grade,
6 - 8th grade
On-campus Spring

Sample outreach event: hosting Western PA School for Blind Children

Engineering Outreach hosted students from the Western PA School for Blind Children (WPSBC). Jen Hitchcock of TechSpark led the students and their chaperones on a tour of TechSpark facilities. The students were also able to examine TechSpark’s 3D printers and products that were made by the printers. Then it was on to Scott Hall where Professor Joanne Beckwith Maddock led the WPSBC students in two activities: making slime and bouncy balls. The students learned about mechanical and chemical engineering and were able to experience CMU’s campus.