
Lynn Walker is an adjunct professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University and a professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Minnesota. Walker received her B.S. chemical engineering degree from the University of New Hampshire in 1990 and her Ph.D. from the University of Delaware in 1995, under the supervision of Norman Wagner. She held a postdoctoral position at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven Belgium.

The current focus of Walker’s research program is in two directions of soft material processing: control of fluid-fluid interfaces and manipulation of nanostructure in macromolecular solutions. The two different areas are connected through techniques and tools being used in the laboratory, and then into applications and platforms being developed. Walker’s group is building an effort to combine domain expertise through systems-level modelling to develop systematic approaches of formulation engineering to increase the incorporation of sustainable molecules into consumer products.

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1995 Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware

1990 BS, Chemical Engineering, University of New Hampshire

Media mentions

Chemical Engineering

A farewell and thank you to Lynn Walker

After 26 years, Lynn Walker is leaving Carnegie Mellon University to join the faculty at the University of Minnesota.

Chemical Engineering

"Cleaning up" an oil spill

Following the oil spill off the coast of Southern California, ChemE looks at different techniques used during past and present clean-up efforts.

Argonne National Lab

Walker and Valentine mentioned on polymers

ChemE’s Lynn Walker and Connor Valentine were mentioned by Argonne National Lab on their diblock polymers research.

The Science Times

Walker and Valentine’s research featured

Research from ChemE’s Lynn Walker and Ph.D. student Connor Valentine was mentioned in The Science Times. It focuses on diblock polymers, which can form specific structures with many uses, but are difficult to manufacture.

CMU Engineering

A crystal-clear way to save time

Chemical Engineering researchers recently discovered a better way to make a new class of soft materials—reducing a process that used to take five months down to three minutes.

CMU Engineering

One-of-a-kind team breaks new ground

A unique collaboration within the Department of Chemical Engineering is laying the foundation for a whole new discipline of fluids engineering.

ChemE Ph.D. Davidson awarded PPG graduate student fellowship

ChemE Ph.D. student Michael Davidson was recently awarded a PPG graduate student fellowship by the PPG Foundation.