
A post-process machining step to produce net-shape parts with improved tolerances is being developed to address the limitations of conventional Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) technology. The aim is to:

  1. detect and flag macro-scale defects, such as residual stress-related deformation and weld overflow that impact geometric accuracy during the production process
  2. provide in-situ reconstruction of the part geometry while also monitoring part quality via an online inspection tool that generates information to aid in the understanding of defect evolution during the layer-by-layer manufacturing process

An in-process robotic inspection and associated path-planning algorithm that can augment existing WAAM workflows with an intelligent process monitoring system can eliminate additional post-inspection procedures and reduce overall lead time and associated costs.

Next Manufacturing research area: Process monitoring and control

Principal Investigators
Lu Li
Sneha Prabha Narra
Howie Choset
Related Centers, Institutes, and Programs
NextManufacturing Center
Research Areas
Additive manufacturing
Digital twins
Generative manufacturing
Intelligent robotics
A diagram describing the three steps to improving size, accuracy, cost, and time with this machine. Plan: Coverage motion running for WAAM. Sense: In-situ Multimodal Robotics Inspection. Act: Design of experiments to evaluate the sensor performance.

Source: Manufacturing Futures Institute

Infographics of the MFI-rWAAM project scope and potential impacts.