
Aaditya Ramdas was a postdoc at UC Berkeley (2015–2018) mentored by Michael Jordan and Martin Wainwright, and obtained his Ph.D. at CMU (2010–2015) under Aarti Singh and Larry Wasserman, receiving the Umesh K. Gavaskar Memorial Thesis Award. His undergraduate degree was in computer science from IIT Bombay (2005-09).

Aaditya received the IMS Peter Gavin Hall Early Career Prize (2023), was an inaugural recipient of the COPSS Emerging Leader Award (2021), and a recipient of the Bernoulli New Researcher Award (2021). His work is supported by an NSF CAREER Award (2020), an Adobe Faculty Research Award (2019), a Google Research Scholar award (2022). He was a CUSO lecturer in 2022, a Lunteren lecturer in 2023, and a keynote speaker at AISTATS 2024.

Aaditya's research is in mathematical statistics and learning, with an eye towards designing algorithms that both have strong theoretical guarantees and also work well in practice. His main research interests include selective and simultaneous inference (interactive, structured, online, post-hoc control of false decision rates, etc), game-theoretic statistics (sequential uncertainty quantification, confidence sequences, always-valid p-values, safe anytime-valid inference, e-processes, supermartingales, etc), and distribution-free black-box predictive inference (conformal prediction, post-hoc calibration, etc). His areas of applied interest include privacy, neuroscience, genetics and auditing (elections, real-estate, financial, fairness), and his group's work has received multiple best paper awards.

He is one of the organizers of StatML Group at CMU.

132H Baker/Porter Hall

Research Interests