
Joe Moore teaches across the Civil and Environmental Engineering program at Carnegie Mellon University. After undergrad at Wabash College, where he studied biology and French, Moore taught high school science through Teach For America in the Chicago Public Schools. He found engineering by writing about water resources in the American Southwest.

As a Ph.D. student studying the interactions between engineered nanomaterials and bacteria, he earned a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and was selected as a National Academy of Sciences and Engineering Science Ambassador. He is passionate about active and interdisciplinary engineering education, mentoring and supporting students, especially those from marginalized communities, running, and his family.



Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

M.S., Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

BA, Biology and French, Wabash College

Media mentions

CMU Engineering

Integrating the built, natural, and information environments

Students in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Junior Projects course worked with a team of local professionals to develop plans to transform the four-block span of Craig Street between Fifth and Forbes Avenues into a great college town street.

Civil and Environmental Engineering

CEE student team shines at WEFTEC competition with innovative wastewater solution

The CMU CEE student team, featuring Labdhi Kagdi, Megan Johnston, Victoria Kurker, and Fiza Jalees, clinched 5th place at WEFTEC by swiftly tackling a wastewater challenge in just two months, showcasing exceptional innovation and problem-solving skills.

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Undergraduate program: building CEE skills across the curriculum

At CEE, we empower our students with the skills to make a real difference in their careers and communities. As students progress through their studies, our program threads approach allows for a deepening of their knowledge, expertise, and practical skills, ensuring that they are equipped to tackle real-world challenges with confidence and competence.

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Joe Moore joins CEE faculty

Moore, an assistant teaching professor, earned two advanced degrees with CEE. He says the best part of his career is working with people, and that he plans to bring an interactive, inquiry-based give-and-take relationship into the classroom.