
Theophilus A. Benson is an electrical and computer engineering professor at Carnegie Mellon University. He earned his B.S. from Tufts, Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and post-doctorate from Princeton. Benson’s research focuses on improving the performance and availability of computer networks. In particular, he works with a broad set of cloud providers to improve their infrastructures. He recently has been developing an initiative to address the digital divide in the global south. His research was recognized by paper awards, including IMC, EuroSYS, and ANRP. Benson received the SIGCOMM Test of Time Award, NSF CAREER Award, NEC Faculty Award, Google Faculty Award, Facebook Faculty Award (X2), and Faculty Research and Engagement Program (X2). He was recently named to DARPA’s ISAT (Information Science and Technology) study group.

A Faster, More Reliable Internet for Everyone

Media mentions

Carnegie Mellon University Africa

Improving digital infrastructures for all

ECE Professor Theophilus Benson strives to realize Sustainable Development Goal 9 by improving the performance and accessibility of digital infrastructures.