
Jonathan Malen seeks fundamental understanding of thermal transport processes from atomistic to macroscopic scales in advanced materials and technologies. The Malen Laboratory leverages ultrafast laser techniques, micro/nanofabrication, and thermal imaging approaches to measure thermal properties and processes. Recent projects are related to thermal management in high powered electronics (e.g. GaN and Ga2O3), thermal imaging in advanced manufacturing processes, evaporative cooling in nanoscale menisci, and phonon transport in organic-inorganic materials (e.g. superatomic crystals, organic perovskites, liquid metal composites).

Malen is a recipient of the Benjamin Richard Teare Teaching Award (2019) and the David P. Casasent Outstanding Research Award (2016) at Carnegie Mellon, the ASME Bergles-Rohsenhow Young Investigator Award in Heat Transfer, the Army Research Office Young Investigator Award (2014), the National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2012), and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Award (2010). He came to Carnegie Mellon in 2009 after receiving his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from UC Berkeley (2005-2009), his MS in nuclear engineering from MIT (2002-2003), and his BS in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan (1996-2000).

316 Scaife Hall
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Jonathan Malen
The Malen Laboratory

Measuring Thermal Transport Using Lasers


2009 Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley

2003 Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley

2000 BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Media mentions

Faculty award winners announced

Congratulations to the 2024 faculty award winners who represent six departments across the College of Engineering. The recipients were recognized for their achievements as researchers and educators.

Three new professorships in Mechanical Engineering

Three new professorships were announced in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

CMU Engineering

Move over metals, plastics can be thermally conductive too

An interdisciplinary team led by Jon Malen has received funding from the Department of Defense to discover switchable high thermal conductivity polymers.

CMU Engineering

Additive manufacturing in focus

Researchers introduce an experimental method to measure melt pool temperature using a single commercial color camera during additive manufacturing.

Mechanical Engineering

Releasing the heat

Researchers develop a universal model to predict the thermal boundary conductance of a multilayered-metal-dielectric interface. This model will help to streamline the development of thermally efficient devices.

the Accelerator

College of Engineering announces Catalyst 2020 winners

The College of Engineering is pleased to announce that the College will fund three Catalyst proposals as winners of the Catalyst 2020 competition.

College of Engineering names 2019 faculty award winners

The College of Engineering has announced the winners of the 2019 faculty awards. They include: Alan McGaughey, Paulina Jaramillo, Jana Kainerstorfer, Reeja Jayan, Carmel Majidi, Jonathan Malen, and Vijayakumar Bhagavatula.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Malen to develop thermoelectric semiconductor

MechE’s Jonathan Malen has received a grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a thermoelectric semiconductor.

Mechanical Engineering

Waste not, watt not

With a National Science Foundation award, Jonathan Malen is collaborating to develop a thermoelectric semiconductor to convert waste heat into energy.

CMU Engineering

College of Engineering’s 2017 game changers

From engineering new materials to constructing smart systems, researchers in the College of Engineering are innovating for the future. Read some of our highlights from 2017.

Malen selected to attend National Academy of Engineering’s 23rd annual U.S. Frontier of Engineering symposium

MechE’s Jonathan Malen was one of 82 young engineers selected to partake in the National Academy of Engineering’s (NAE) 23rd annual U.S. Frontiers of Engineering (USFOE) symposium in East Hartford, Connecticut.

CMU Engineering

Thubber can take the heat

Carmel Majidi and Jonathan Malen of MechE have developed a thermally conductive rubber material that represents a breakthrough for creating soft, stretchable machines and electronics.