
The EOS M 290 utilizes a 400 watt fiber laser that generates the energy needed for sintering metal powder. The DMLS process takes place in protective nitrogen as well as argon atmospheres (depending on material). The EOS M 290 supports processing for a wide range of materials: from light metals to stainless and tool steels to superalloys. Full control over the parameter set gives freedom to modify power, velocity, etc. of the laser beam to meet individual requirements.

Equipment Information

Location Hamerschlag Hall Additive Manufacturing Lab

Function Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)

Contact Sandra DeVincent Wolf

Rates and materials

  • Rate type: Hourly plus material-use
  • CMU (Internal): $230.00
  • Corporate (External): $320.00
  • Material Cost:

    Variable depending upon specific material and supplier

    [Total material use = actual material use (estimated by part volume and material density) + 10% for the lost material]