Disability and Technology in Higher Education Workshop
September 03, 2024
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CAT
University of Witwatersrand
September 03, 2024
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CAT
University of Witwatersrand
University of Witwatersrand
Staff supporting disability inclusion, academia, staff, and students with disabilities. This event is open to both Afretec members and non-Afretec members. Each Afretec partner has 5 slots and can invite their disability unit staff member/faculty, especially those that teach related courses, students and employees with disability, as well as related offices from their partner universities or organizations of persons with disability that work with higher education institutions.
This 2-day workshop with staff, academia, and students explores technology as an enabler of access and success in higher education. It also spotlights the role of higher education institutions in ICT towards innovating for disability inclusion (through research and entrepreneurship efforts), as well as supporting environments that support disability inclusion. It is intended as an opportunity to share and learn, as well as to explore ways to foster disability inclusion in higher education for students and staff. By the end of this workshop, we hope to develop a white paper on how Afretec is and can further enhance disability inclusion for partner institutions. The activity will contribute towards Afretec efforts to spotlight and enhance disability and technology and will be profiled for the International Day of Persons with Disability 2024.
Inclusion and Impact
September 9 2024
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM ET
Cohon University Center, Rangos Ballroom
September 10 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET
September 18 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CAT
Increasing Diversity and Inclusion in Technology Webinar
The impact of technology on every aspect of society has increased dramatically as applications of AI and data science grow in almost all areas. Thus, understanding strategies to increase the participation of people who have been and remain underrepresented in technology careers, including women, people of color, and people from low-income backgrounds, is very important.
October 7-9 2024
Role of AI in Shaping the Future of 21st Century African Higher Education Workshop
This workshop, focusing on the critical role of AI in 21st Century higher education in Africa, aims to catalyze a comprehensive discussion on how AI can create equitable access to quality education, revolutionize teaching pedagogies, and prepare the next generation of the labor force on the African continent.
Kigali, Rwanda
October 16-18 2024
Introduction to Precision Medicine and Biomedical Informatics in Africa
This course aims to inform individuals about the potential impact that information technology and our enhanced understanding of genomic, clinical, and biological data has in modern clinical practice.
University of Witwatersrand