Sneha Prabha Narra

Next Manufacturing Center seminars are open to Center members, as well as other interested members of the CMU community. Next Manufacturing Center Consortium members are able to participate online.

Topic: Process design for large-scale wire-based additive manufacturing

Speaker: Sneha Prabha Narra, assistant professor, mechanical engineering

Large-scale additive manufacturing technologies (AM) such as wire-based AM have started to gain attention for their higher deposition rates (1-4 kg/hr) compared to the popularly used laser powder bed fusion AM process (0.01-0.1 kg/hr), lower feedstock costs, and larger build envelopes. These technologies are based on traditional fusion welding approaches using laser, arc, or electron beam welding torches mounted to a robotic positioning system creating large metal parts layer by layer. I will provide gas metal arc welding-based AM, popularly known as wire arc AM (WAAM), as an example to introduce the primary processing parameters, processing defects, and microstructure typically observed in this AM process. I will then discuss our prior work to illustrate process design approaches in WAAM to minimize process defects and tailor microstructure in an age hardenable steel alloy, Maraging Steel 250. I will conclude my presentation by highlighting the lessons we learned and the challenges and opportunities we identified in the context of our ongoing and future work.


Sneha Narra received her B.E. in Civil Engineering from Osmania University’s College of Engineering, M.S. in Computational Mechanics, M.S., and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). After receiving her Ph.D., she worked as a postdoctoral research associate at the Next Manufacturing Center at CMU. Prior to joining CMU as an assistant professor in Fall 2021, she served as an assistant professor in the Materials and Manufacturing program at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). Narra’s additive manufacturing process design research lies at the intersection of process modeling including numerical, analytical, and semi-analytical methods, processing experiments, materials characterization, and data-driven analysis.

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