MFI seminar: LeDuc, Ozdoganlar, Ren, and Li

November 30, 2023

9:00 a.m. ET

Scott 6142

MFI seminars run for one hour and 15 minutes and include introductions, MFI updates, an MFI-funded project presentation and Q&A followed by a short networking opportunity with coffee and snacks.

All MFI affiliated faculty, postdocs, students and staff are encouraged to attend and each current MFI-funded project should be represented.

Speakers: Philip LeDuc, professor, mechanical engineering; Burak Ozdoganlar, professor, mechanical engineering; Charlie Ren, associate professor, biomedical engineering; Lu Li, project scientist, robotics

Upcoming Events

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    Scott 6142

  • April 17 2025

    12:00 PM ET

    Manufacturing Futures Institute

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    Scott 6142