Introduction to Precision Medicine and Biomedical Informatics in Africa

October 16-18, 2024

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CAT

University of Witwatersrand

Organizing university

University of Witwatersrand


This event is open to Afretec members and others.

Event description

The course emphasises key issues related to developing precision medicine and the application of biomedical informatics in Africa. This course aims to inform individuals about the potential impact that information technology and our enhanced understanding of genomic, clinical, and biological data has in modern clinical practice.

The University of Witwatersrand will also host a curriculum development workshop for five faculty.

Course outcomes

By the end of the course, participants are expected to:

  • Define precision medicine and explain different interpretations thereof.
  • Identify the needs of precision medicine in South Africa and compare costs, challenges and benefits that precision medicine offers.
  • Describe omics technologies and bioinformatics techniques that help underpin precision medicine including polygenic risk scores.
  • Debate different application areas including pharmacogenomics, rare disease diagnosis.
  • Identify and discuss key informatics technologies needed to support precision medicine including electronic health records, artificial intelligence, and coding systems.

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