CMU and KMITL announce research and education collaboration
Krista Burns
Nov 28, 2017
Carnegie Mellon University and King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, a leading engineering university in Thailand, have announced a long-term collaboration to significantly expand research and education in the areas of information, computing, and autonomous technologies.
The collaborative activities will occur both in Thailand and at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The Carnegie Mellon University Thailand program will involve professors, researchers and students from Carnegie Mellon and KMITL, and include several industry partners from Thailand. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering within Carnegie Mellon’s College of Engineering will play a central role in the program.

Source: CMKL University
“This partnership brings much-needed capabilities in world-class engineering research and education to Thailand. We are looking forward to working with top talents for ground-breaking research and innovation that will drive the emerging economies of Southeast Asia,” said Teerakiat Jareonsettasin, Thailand’s minister of education. “There is no better time to put Thailand at the heart of education investment. The Thai government is doing its utmost to provide the best opportunities, privileges, incentives, and above all the commitment to make our collaboration the best we can.”
“This long-term collaboration between CMU and KMITL, in association with the Thailand Ministry of Education, will not only strengthen historic ties between CMU and scholars and alumni in Thailand, it will greatly enhance our shared capacity for research and education in areas that are shaping the global economy,” said Carnegie Mellon Interim President Farnam Jahanian. “As this program develops, we look forward to the growth of new international networks of knowledge and intellectual pursuits.”
“KMITL’s passion for excellence is a perfect match with ours and I see great potential in our partnership. This partnership establishes an excellent foundation for even greater collaborations yielding wider impact.”
James H. Garrett, Jr., Provost, Carnegie Mellon University
“I am incredibly excited at just the mere thought of collaboration of such global scale,” said Suchatvee Suwansawat, president of KMITL. “Today marks the day Carnegie Mellon University and KMITL make history. We are committed to delivering uncompromised research and education in computing, AI, Big Data, and to bring about high impact research to accelerate digital transformation for Thailand and Southeast Asia. It is our vision to make Thailand the Southeast Asia center for advanced research, to make capacity building a reality, and to create a sustainable model for the developing countries.”