MCF Facility Updates
Monica Cooney
Sep 6, 2023
As the the Materials Characterization Facility (MCF) continues to make repairs and replacements due to the damage sustained to several pieces of equipment in December 2022, adjustments have been made to lab space as follows:
Atomic Force Microscopy Lab:
Relocated to Roberts Hall Room 133
NT-MDT SolverNEXT AFM operational and training available
Features: Topography imaging/measurements / Kelvin force conductive imaging / piezoelectric response imaging / force-distance curves
NT-MDT NTEGRA II AFM expected late 2023 with increased stability for higher resolution
Raman Spectroscopy:
Relocated to Roberts Hall Room 132
Horiba XploRA Raman imaging microscope (loaner unit) will be operational until delivery of new Raman microscope
Features: 532nm and 785nm lasers
New Raman instrument: Horiba LabRAM Soleil Raman imaging microscope (expected by late 2023)
Features: 405nm, 532nm, 638nm, and 785nm lasers / polarized Raman / high speed confocal imaging
Users may once again request trainings through PPMS.
Save the date for SEM Training: Oct 16 - 20