The Ntegra II is a highly modular scanning probe microscope (SPM) that boasts many imaging and point measurement modes. It is a great tool for anything from topography measurements to custom-environment, tailored experiments. Housed in a temperature and vibration stabilized enclosure, the microscope can easily produce sub-nanometer precision.
Ntegra II Features:
- Maximum scan area of 100um x 100um x 10um (X Y Z)
- Signal breakout box (output/input any electrical signal created/used by the microscope)
- Heating/cooling stage -30C to +120C
- Sealed liquid cell (image in aqueous environment)
- Scanning probe (large samples or liquid environment)
Ntegra II Analysis Modes:
- Sample topography imaging
- Tapping Semi-Contact Atomic Force Microscopy
- Tapping Non-Contact Atomic Force Microscopy
- Contact Atomic Force Microscopy
- Mechanical property imaging
- HybriD Mode (mechanical property imaging)
- Force-Distance Curves
- Lateral Force Microscopy
- Phase Contrast Microscopy
- Magnetic Force Microscopy
- Electrostatic Force Microscopy
- Kelvin Probe Microscopy (Scanning Kelvin Microscopy)
- Scanning Capacitance Microscopy
- Piezoresponse Microscopy