The 200kV FEI Tecnai F20 Super-Twin is designed to produce optimum high-resolution performance in both TEM and STEM. This microscope features a 2048x2048 CCD camera positioned after the Gatan Imaging Filter (GIF) that can be used for both dedicated spectroscopic analysis and energy-filtered imaging. The high Resolution Gatan Rio Camera can deliver high resolution and real time speed for imaging applications. This microscope is optimized for materials applications that require either high-resolution STEM performance (imaging and spectroscopy by Electron Energy Loss Energy and Dispersive XRAY) or correlated imaging and analytical methods (for TEM and STEM). The Tecnai F20 is equipped with a Lorentz Lens for magnetic imaging in Fresnel and Fouccault modes, and a NanoMegas Astar system for automated phase/orientation mapping of nanocrystals materials. Also available is the Gatan STEMx System, which is a powerful tool that adds 4D STEM diffraction capabilities to the Gatan in-situ Rio camera.
Electron source
- Flexible high tension (20, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 kV and values in between)
- Schottky field emitter with high maximum beam current (> 100 nA)
- High probe current (0.5 nA or more in 1 nm probe)
- Small energy spread (0.7 eV or less) • Spot drift < 1 nm/minute
Everhardt Thornley SED (secondary electron detector)
- TEM point resolution (.24nm)
- TEM line resolution (.102nm)
- Information limit (.14nm)
- Extended resolution (TrueImage) Minimum focus step (.16nm)
- TEM magnification range 25X-1030kx
- Camera length 30-4500mm
- Maximum diffraction angle STEM HAADF resolution (.19nm)
- STEM magnification range Maximum tilt angle with double-tilt holder + 40°
- Maximum tilt angle with tomography holder + 80°
- EDS solid angle 0.13 srad
Specimen stages
- FEI Single Tilt Holder +40°
- FEI Double Tilt Holder +30°
- Tomography holder + 80°
- Gatan 636-DH low background
- Liquid nitrogen cooling holder -170°C/ 23°C
- Magnetizing Holder: In-plane magnetic field up to 900 Gauss
- Electron imaging from -300 Oe to +300 Oe
- Nanofactory Holder single tilt, for electron and force nanoprobing