Student and Collaborator Updates
Sep 13, 2024

Varley (left) and Rollett
The Center for Data-Driven Design of Multifunctional Material Systems (D3OM2S) is delighted to share the following updates from our students and collaborators:
Zachary Varley (MSE, Thrust 2) successfully defended his MSE doctoral thesis on "Algorithms for Crystallography in the Scanning Electron Microscope." He will be working as a post-doc with Jeff Simmons and Megna Shah studying latent spaces for microstructure representation.
Tony Rollett has been named as a University Professor, the highest distinction a faculty member can receive at Carnegie Mellon.

Rohrer (left) and Jayan
Gregory Rohrer, was recently named as an MRS (Materials Research Society) Fellow.
Reeja Jayan has been named faculty director of the College of Engineering's Center for Faculty Success.