

October 2024: D3OM2S Annual Review

January 2024: Y. Chi (CMU), R. Jayan (CMU), and J. Simmons (AFRL) co-organized minisymposium on “The Intersection of Computational Imaging and Materials Science” at IS&T Electronic Imaging Symposium

July 2023: CMU/RX/AFOSR Joint Workshop at the Intersection of Materials Science and Machine Learning


Varley, Z.; Rohrer, G. S.; De Graef, M.; Dynamic sampling for scanned microscopy modalities. Materials Characterization 2024, 211, 113865.
Gourley, A.; Kaufman, J.; Aman, B.; Schwalbach, E.; Beuth, J.; Rueschhoff, L.; Reeja-Jayan, B. Spreading anomaly semantic segmentation and 3D reconstruction of binder jet additive manufacturing powder bed images. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2024, 134, 3139-3151.
Ferguson, K.; Gillman, A.; Hardin, J.; Kara, L. B. Scalar Field Prediction on Meshes Using Interpolated Multiresolution Convolutional Neural Networks. Journal of Applied Mechanics 2024, 91, 101002.
Abdullah, A.; Ferguson, K.; Drummy, L.; Kara, L. B.; Bockstaller, M. R. Evaluation of Information Content in 2D and 3D Microstructural Characterization of Brush Particle-Based Hybrid Materials. Electronic Imaging 2024, 36, 1-7.

D. A. Boiko, R. MacKnight, B. Kline, G. Gomes "Autonomous chemical research with large language models", Nature 624, (2024), 570-578.

“Predicting Fatigue Crack Growth Metrics from Fractographs: Towards Fractography by Computer Vision”, Katelyn Jones, William D. Musinski, Adam L. Pilchak, Reji John, Paul A. Shade, Anthony D. Rollett, Elizabeth A. Holm, Int. J. Fatigue, 177 107915 (2023).

Dong, H., Donegan, S., Shah, M., & Chi, Y. (2023). A lightweight transformer for faster and robust EBSD data collection. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 21253.

Dhriti Nepal, Saewon Kang, Katarina M Adstedt, Krishan Kanhaiya, Michael R Bockstaller, L Catherine Brinson, Markus J Buehler, Peter V Coveney, Kaushik Dayal, Jaafar A El-Awady, Luke C Henderson, David L Kaplan, Sinan Keten, Nicholas A Kotov, George C Schatz, Silvia Vignolini, Fritz Vollrath, Yusu Wang, Boris I Yakobson, Vladimir V Tsukruk, Hendrik Heinz (2023) Hierarchically structured bioinspired nanocomposites. Nature materials, 22, 18-35.

C. E. Krill III, E. A. Holm, J. M. Dake, R. Cohn, K. Holikov, F. Andorfer (2023) Extreme Abnormal Grain Growth: Connecting Mechanisms to Microstructural Outcomes, 53:1.

R. Cohn, Computer vision and deep learning for microstructural modeling and automated characterization of materials, PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, 2022.

K. Choudhary, B. DeCost, C. Chen, A. Jain, F. Tavazza, R. Cohn, C. WooPark, A. Choudhary, A. Agrawal, S. J. L. Billinge, E. Holm, S. P. Ong, C. Wolverton, Recent Advances and Applications of Deep Learning Methods in Materials Science, npj Comput Mater 8, 59 (2022) 1-26.

Maruyama et. al., Matter, Autonomous experimentation systems for materials development: A community perspective, 4, 2702, (2021).

Cohn, R., & Holm, E. (2021). Unsupervised Machine Learning Via Transfer Learning and k-Means Clustering to Classify Materials Image Data. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, 10(2), 231–244.

Cohn, R., Anderson, I., Prost, T., Tiarks, J., White, E., & Holm, E. (2021). Instance Segmentation for Direct Measurements of Satellites in Metal Powders and Automated Microstructural Characterization from Image Data. JOM, 73(7), 2159–2172.


Jones, K.; Shade, P.; John, R.; Golden, P.; Holm, E.; Rollett, A. Using Unsupervised Learning to Cluster Fatigue Life Based on Ti64 Fatigue Fracture Surface Characteristics. MS&T 2024, Pittsburgh, PA.
Varley, Z.; De Graef, M.; Rohrer, G.; Shah, M.; Uchic, M. Patch-wise Canonical Correlation Analysis in SEM: Advancing 3D Serial Sectioning Image Registration. Accelerating Discovery for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 2024, Cleveland, OH.
Varley, Z.; De Graef, M.; Rohrer, G. EBSD Geometry Calibration Through SE(3) Lie Group Optimization, MS&T 2024, Pittsburgh, PA.
Gourley, A.; Kaufman, J.; Aman, B.; Schwalbach, E.; Beuth, J.; Rueschhoff, L.; Reeja-Jayan, B. Identification of Binder Jet Spreading Anomalies Through Semantic Segmentation. MS&T 2024, Pittsburgh, PA.
Gourley, A.; Kaufman, J.; Aman, B.; Schwalbach, E.; Beuth, J.; Rueschhoff, L.; Reeja-Jayan, B. Identification of Binder Jet Spreading Anomalies Through Semantic Segmentation. Accelerating Discovery for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 2024, Cleveland, OH.
Ferguson, K.; Kara, L. B.; Abdullah, A.; Bockstaller, M. R.; Drummy, L.; Harper, E.; Gillman, A. Machine Learning Enhanced Prediction of Properties of Nanoparticle Hybrid Materials. Accelerating Materials Science with AI, 2024, Baltimore, MD. 

Jones, Katelyn, Shade, Paul, et al. “Using Unsupervised Learning to Cluster Fatigue Life Based on Small Crack Characteristics” Electronic Imaging, Burlingame, CA, 16 Jan. 2024.

Zachary Varley, “Local entropy key points for materials science image collation”, IS&T Electronic Imaging 2024.

Harry Dong, “Machine Learning for Scientific Imaging”, IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2024.

Ayesha Abdullah, Evaluation of Information Content in 2D and 3D Microstructural Characterization of Brush Particle-Based Hybrid Materials, IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2024.

A. Gourley, O. Neopane, Lunch & Learn, Carnegie Mellon University, December 2023.

A. Gourley, Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Tungsten Carbide-Nickel Geometries Leveraging Thermomechanical Modeling, Oct. 2nd, 2023.

A. Gourley, Adaptive Experimentation for Ceramic AM: Binder Jet Parameter Selection and Powder Spreadability. Air Force Research Laboratory, Jan. 9th, 2024.

Katelyn Jones, William D. Musinski, Adam L. Pilchak, Reji John, Paul A. Shade, Anthony D. Rollett, Elizabeth A. Holm, “Predicting Fatigue Crack Growth Metrics from Fractographs: Towards Fractography by Computer Vision”, ASM Pittsburgh Young Members Night, Dec. 2023, Invited talk.

Jones, Katelyn, Shade, Paul, et al. “Using Unsupervised Learning to Cluster Fatigue Life Based on Small Crack Characteristics” Pacific Rim International Conference on Advance Materials and Processing, Jeju Island, Korea, 21 Nov. 2023.

Jones, Katelyn, “Using Unsupervised Learning to Cluster Fatigue Life Based on Small Crack Characteristics” Materials Science & Technology, Columbus, OH, 03 Oct. 2023.

Jones, Katelyn, Shade, Paul, et al. “Using Unsupervised Learning to Cluster Fatigue Life Based on Small Crack Characteristics” Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Gordon Research Conference (GRC), Stone Hill College, 8 July 2023, Invited Conference Presentation at GRS and Poster Presentation at GRC.

Michael Bockstaller, Ayesha Abdullah, Yuqi Zhao, Jaejun Lee, Zongyu Wang, Krzystof Matyjaszewski, Kevin Ferguson, Levent Burak Kara, Eric Harper, Lawrence Drummy. Elucidation of chain dispersity effect on structure and mechanical properties of brush particle solids. APS March Meeting 2023, W05.

A. Abdullah, J. Lee, Y. Zhao, Z. Wang, M. Bockstaller. Molecular Weight Dispersity as Design Parameter to Enable Brush Particle Hybrid Materials with Enhanced Fracture Toughness and Inorganic Content. APS March Meeting 2022, D18. 010

Ari Fiorino, Ojash Neopane, Aarti Singh, "Gaussian Processes for Episodic Experimental Design", ICML2022 Workshop on Adaptive Experimental Design and Active Learning in the Real World.

Alex Gourley, B. Reeja-Jayan, Jack Beuth, “Modeling and Monitoring of Thermal Accumulation During Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Cemented Carbides” MS&T 2022, Oct. 2022, Pittsburgh, PA.

R. Cohn, E. A. Holm, Cloud-native deep learning approach for predicting microstructural evolution in materials processing simulations (Keynote), 10th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM10), Baltimore, MD, 2022. (given by Cohn)

R. Cohn, E. A. Holm, High-throughput Machine Learning Experiments with Graph Neural Networks for Predicting Abnormal Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials, Materials Science & Technology 2022 (MS&T22), Pittsburgh, PA, 2022.

K. Jones, E. A. Holm, A. D. Rollett, Multimodal Data of Fatigue Fracture Surfaces for Analysis in a CNN, Materials Science & Technology 2022 (MS&T22), Pittsburgh, PA, 2022.

K. Jones, P. Shade, W. Musinski, R John, A. D. Rollett, E. A. Holm, Combining Multimodal Data of Fatigue Fracture Surfaces for Analysis in a CNN, 19th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM2022), Austin, TX, June 2022.

R. Cohn, E. A. Holm, AMPIS: Automated Materials Particle Instance Segmentation, First World Congress on Artificial Intelligence in Materials and Manufacturing (AIM2022), Pittsburgh, PA, 2022.

K. Jones, A. D. Rollett, E. A. Holm, Combining Multimodal Data of Fatigue Fracture Surfaces for Analysis in a CNN, First World Congress on Artificial Intelligence in Materials and Manufacturing (AIM2022), Pittsburgh, PA, 2022.

R. Cohn, E. A. Holm, Neural Message Passing for Prediction of Abnormal Grain Growth in Monte Carlo Simulations of Materials Processing, First World Congress on Artificial Intelligence in Materials and Manufacturing (AIM2022), Pittsburgh, PA, 2022.

K. Jones, E. A. Holm, A. D. Rollett, Combining Multimodal Data of Fatigue Fracture Surfaces for Analysis in a CNN, TMS Annual Meeting 2022, Anaheim, CA, 2022.

R. Cohn, E. A. Holm, Neural Message Passing for Prediction of Abnormal Grain Growth in Monte Carlo Simulations of Polycrystalline Materials, TMS Annual Meeting 2022, Anaheim, CA, 2022.

E. A. Holm, Making the most of what we’ve got: Designing microstructural data sets for AI applications (Invited), TMS Annual Meeting 2022, Anaheim, CA, 2022.

E. A. Holm, Computer vision in materials science (Plenary), Workshop on AI for Design and Manufacturing (ADAM), 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI22), virtual, February 2022.

E. A. Holm, S. Daly, Computer vision for materials science (Online Course), TMS Online Course: Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science and Engineering, virtual, November 2021.

K. Jones, P. Shade, W. Musinski, R. John, A. Pilchak, A. Rollett, E. Holm, Discovering the structural signature of fatigue crack growth rate using computer vision and machine learning, Materials Science & Technology 2021 (MS&T21), Columbus, OH 2021.

E. A. Holm, New roles for data science in materials science (Plenary), SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science (MS21), virtual, May 2021.

E. A. Holm, B. Lei, K. Jones, R. Cohn, N. Gao, Data science approaches for microstructure-property connections in structural materials (Invited), TMS Annual Meeting 2021, virtual, March 2021.

K. Jones, W. Musinski, A. Pilchak, R. John, P. Shade, A. Rollett, E. Holm, Discovering the structural signature of fatigue crack growth rate using computer vision and machine learning, TMS Annual Meeting 2021, virtual, March 2021.

R. Cohn, M. Shah, A. Pilchak, E. Payton, A. Rollett, E. Holm, Machine learning approach to understanding abnormal grain growth, TMS Annual Meeting 2021, virtual, March 2021.

E. A. Holm, Computer vision and machine learning for image data in materials science (Invited), IS&T Electronic Imaging 2021, virtual, January 2021.

E. A. Holm, Computer vision and machine learning for microstructural image data (Invited), Materials Science & Technology 2020 (MS&T20), virtual, November 2020.

K. Jones, E. Holm, A. Rollett, Identifying Crack Initiation Sites with CNNs (poster), Materials Science & Technology 2020 (MS&T20), virtual, November 2020.

E. A. Holm, MRS/ASM Webinar: Machine Learning for Microstructural Data (Host), October 2020. 489 attendees from 37 countries.

E. A. Holm, Microstructural characterization and analysis using computer vision and machine learning (Invited), International Materials Applications & Technologies (IMAT2020), virtual, October 2020.

V. Monardo, A. Iyer, S. Donegan, M. D. Graef and Y. Chi, "Plug-And-Play Image Reconstruction Meets Stochastic Variance-Reduced Gradient Methods," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2021, pp. 2868-2872, doi: 10.1109/ICIP42928.2021.9506021.

Varley, Rohrer, De Graef (Apr. 3-6, 2022) Semi-supervised Dynamic Sampling for 3D Electron Backscatter Diffraction [Conference presentation] AIM 2022 Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Varley, Rohrer, De Graef (Oct. 9-12, 2022) Sparse Sampling for 3D Electron Backscatter Diffraction [Conference presentation] MS&T 2022 Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, United States