Yuejie Chi
Sense of Wonder Group Endowed Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in AI Systems
Affiliated Faculty -
Marc De Graef
John and Claire Bertucci Distinguished Professor of Engineering
Faculty Director, Materials Characterization Facility -
Levent Burak Kara
George Tallman Ladd and Florence Barrett Ladd Professor
Associate Head for Academic Planning -
Barnabás Póczos
Associate Professor and Co-Director of the Ph.D. Program
Aarti Singh
Director, AI institute for Societal Decision Making
Students: Research thrust three
Morgan Chen
Alex Gourley
Ojash Neopane
Machine Learning
Students: Research thrust four
Kevin Ferguson
Ted Autore
Affiliated students
- Andrew Caosun (Machine Learning)
- Dan Emerson (MechE)
AFRL collaborators

Michael Ballard
Keith Ballard is a member of the Composites Performance Research Team. He has architected and collaboratively developed a new finite element framework that is designed for scalable discrete damage modeling (SPAWC) and led the development of a new XFEM approach that supports complex crack interactions (HHE). Presently, he is leading development of several computational tools in AFRL/RX, including SPAWC.

Luke Baldwin (thrust four)

Phil Buskohl (thrust four)

Amanda Criner (thrust one)

Sean Donegan (thrust two)
Sean Donegan is the research lead for the Digital Manufacturing Research Team, where his work focuses on developing autonomous, advanced manufacturing systems that integrate robotics, sensing, and materials knowledge.

Larry Drummy (thrust four)
Lawrence Drummy is member of the Polymers and Responsive Materials and Processing research team. He is a senior materials research engineer with interests in polymers, composite materials, sensors, and AI/ML for materials science applications.

Andrew Gellman (thrust four)

Andrew Gillman
Andrew Gillman is a member of the Digital Manufacturing Research Team. His research considers the autonomous manufacturing, analysis, and design of multi-scale material systems, i.e. developing autonomous machines and workflows to create novel structures and materials. From bottom-up assembly to top-down material manipulation, his work spans materials at varying length scales from tens of nanometers to meters.

Eric Harper (thrust four)

Daylond Hopper (thrust three)

Reji John (thrust one)

Benji Maruyama (thrust three)
Benji Maruyama is the Autonomous Materials Lead for the Materials & Manufacturing Directorate, AFRL. He pioneered autonomous experimentation to accelerate research, including carbon nanotube synthesis and additive manufacturing.

Bill Musinski (thrust one)

Eric Payton (thrust one)

Lisa Rueschhoff
Lisa Rueschhoff is a member of the Ceramic Materials and Processes Research Team. Her research interests span conventional processing, as well as additive manufacturing techniques for ceramics and ceramic matrix composites.

Edwin Schwalbach
Edwin Schwalbach is a member of the Metallic Materials and Processing research team. His work focuses on several aspects of metallic additive manufacturing, including process and microstructure evolution modeling, advanced 3-dimensional characterization of microstructures, and development of novel additive manufacturing processing strategies.

Paul Shade
Paul Shade is a member of the Metals Probabilistic Performance Prediction Research Team. He specializes in development and application of experimental techniques to evaluate the microstructure and micromechanical response of structural materials. A particular area of focus involves linking experimental and simulation efforts to improve metal performance models.

Megna Shah (thrust one, thrust two)
Megna Shah is a member of the Metallic Materials and Processing research team. Her research focuses on microstructure characterization, autonomous materials discovery, and machine learning techniques for representing microstructure, including data fusion and registration of multiple data streams.

Jeff Simmons (thrust one)
Jeff Simmons is a member of the Metallic Materials and Processing research team. He has worked in computational materials science and with imaging science for problems in materials science and microscopy. He has published in the materials, signal processing, computer vision, and mathematics fields.

Gregory Sparks (thrust two)

Michael Uchic (thrust two)
Michael Uchic is the Research Lead for the Characterization, Sensing, and Analytics Research Team. His interests are in emerging nondestructive and microscopy-based characterization technologies that are relevant for Materials State Awareness in structural materials.
- Ryan Cohn (thrust one, Ph.D. '22)
- Jeet Desai (thrust three, M.S. '22)
- Ari Fiorina Gonza (thrust three, M.S. '21)
- Vincent James Monardo (thrust two, Ph.D. '22)
- Maxwell Roberts Telmer (thrust three, Ph.D. '21)
- Ayesha Abdullah (thrust four, Ph.D. ’24)
- Katelyn Jones (thrust one, Ph.D. '24)
- Zachary Varley (thrust two, PhD ’24)
- Mason Zadan (Ph.D. ’24)