Pre-print: AggreBots: configuring CiliaBots through guided, modular tissue aggregation Bhatttaram, K. Golestan, X. Zhang, S. Yang, Z. Gong, S. L. Brody, A. Horani, V. A. Webster-Wood, A. B. Farimani, X. Ren
Neurodevelopmental disorders modeling using isogeometric analysis, dynamic domain expansion and local refinement Kuanren Qian, Genesis Omana Suarez, Toshihiko Nambara, Takahisa Kanekiyo, Ashlee S. Liao, Victoria A. Webster-Wood, Yongjie Jessica Zhang
Towards Biophysical Network Simulation of Stochastically-Formed Neurospheres M. J. Bennington, V. A. Webster-Wood
Modulation and Time-History-Dependent Adaptation Improves the Pick-and-Place Control of a Bioinspired Soft Grasper Y. Li, R. Sukhnandan, H.J. Chiel, V. A. Webster-Wood, R.D. Quinn
Analysis Pipeline for High-Dimensional Neuromechanical Model Improvement C. J. Fernandez, J. M. McManus, Y. Li, M. J. Bennington, R. D. Quinn, H. J. Chiel, V. A. Webster-Wood
Biocompatibility of Asiga Dental Resins Using a Low-Cost Printer for Biohybrid Actuator Applications A. S. Liao, K. Dai, B. Chopra, S. Schaffer, R. Adams, J. M. Seok, A. B. Irez, Y. J. Zhang, V. A. Webster-Wood
Passive Stability of Stance is Determined by the Relationship Between Natural Frequency and Walking Frequency S. Riddle, G. Sutton, V. A. Webster-Wood, H. J. Chiel, R. D. Quinn
Pre-print: Cytotoxicity and Characterization of 3D-Printable Resins Using a Low-Cost Printer for Muscle-based Biohybrid Devices Ashlee S Liao, Kevin Dai, Alaeddin Burak Irez, Anika Sun, Michael J Bennington, Saul Schaffer, Bhavya Chopra, Ji Min Seok, Rebekah Adams, Yongjie Jessica Zhang, Victoria A Webster-Wood
Pre-print: Incorporating buccal mass planar mechanics and anatomical features improves neuromechanical modeling of Aplysia feeding behavior Michael J Bennington, Ashlee S Liao, Ravesh Sukhnandan, Bidisha Kundu, Stephen M Rogers, Jeffrey P Gill, Jeffrey M McManus, Gregory P Sutton, Hillel J Chiel, Victoria A Webster-Wood
Pre-print: Hitting the Gym: Reinforcement Learning Control of Exercise-Strengthened Biohybrid Robots in Simulation Saul Schaffer, Hima Hrithik Pamu, Victoria A. Webster-Wood
Ethics and responsibility in biohybrid robotics research Rafael Mestre, Aníbal M. Astobizaf, Victoria A. Webster-Wood, Matt Ryan, and M. Taher A. Saif
A Preliminary Study on Factors That Drive Patient Variability in Human Subcutaneous Adipose Tissues Megan K. DeBari, Elizabeth K. Johnston, Jacqueline V. Scott, Erica Ilzuka, Wenhuan Sun, Victoria A. Webster-Wood, Rosalyn D. Abbott
Pre-print: Roadmap for Animate Matter Giorgio Volpe, Nuno A. M. Araújo, Maria Guix, Mark Miodownik, Ayusman Sen, Samuel Sanchez, Nicolas Martin, Laura Alvarez, Juliane Simmchen, Roberto Di Leonardo, Nicola Pellicciotta, Quentin Martinet, Jérémie Palacci, Wai Kit Ng, Dhruv Saxena, Riccardo Sapienza, Sara Nadine, João F. Mano, Reza Mahdavi, Caroline Beck Adiels, Joe Forth, Christian Santangelo, Stefano Palagi, Ji Min Seok, Victoria A. Webster-Wood, Shuhong Wang, Lining Yao, Amirreza Aghakhani, Thomas Barois, Hamid Kellay, Corentin Coulais, Martin van Hecke, Christopher J. Pierce, Tianyu Wang, Baxi Chong, Daniel I. Goldman, Andreagiovanni Reina, Vito Trianni, Giovanni Volpe, Richard Beckett, Sean P. Nair, Rachel Armstrong
Full Hill-type muscle model of the I1/I3 retractor muscle complex in Aplysia californica Ravesh Sukhnandan, Qianxue Chen, Jiayi Shen, Samantha Pao, Yu Huan, Gregory P. Sutton, Jeffrey P. Gill, Hillel J. Chiel & Victoria A. Webster-Wood
A computational neural model that incorporates both intrinsic dynamics and sensory feedback in the Aplysia feeding network Yanjun Li, Victoria A. Webster-Wood, Jeffrey P. Gill, Gregory P. Sutton, Hillel J. Chiel & Roger D. Quinn
A biohybrid mechanosensor integrated with a soft robot Nathan Zimmerer, Richard Desatnik, Michael Bennington, Victoria Webster-Wood, Carmel Majidi, Philip R LeDuc
Biomimetic IGA neuron growth modeling with neurite morphometric features and CNN-based prediction Kuanren Qian, Ashlee S Liao, Shixuan Gu, Victoria A Webster-Wood, Yongjie Jessica Zhang
Biodegradable, sustainable hydrogel actuators with shape and stiffness morphing capabilities via embedded 3D printing Wenhuan Sun, Avery S Williamson, Ravesh Sukhnandan, Carmel Majidi, Lining Yao, Adam W Feinberg, Victoria A Webster‐Wood
Slug Battery: An Enzymatic Fuel Cell Tested in vitro in Aplysia californica Hemolymph Theo Cockrell, Kevin Dai, Michael J Bennington, Victoria A Webster-Wood
GANGLIA: A Tool for Designing Customized Neuron Circuit Patterns Ashlee S Liao, Yongjie Jessica Zhang, Victoria A Webster-Wood
The Tall, the Squat, & the Bendy: Parametric Modeling and Simulation Towards Multi-functional Biohybrid Robots Saul Schaffer, Victoria A Webster-Wood
FRESH-Printing of a Multi-actuator Biodegradable Robot Arm for Articulation and Grasping Avery S Williamson, Wenhuan Sun, Ravesh Sukhnandan, Brian Coffin, Carmel Majidi, Adam Feinberg, Lining Yao, Victoria A Webster-Wood
Soft Tubular Strain Sensors for Contact Detection Kevin Dai, Abirami Elangovan, Karen Whirley, Victoria A Webster-Wood
Synthetic Nervous System Control of a Bioinspired Soft Grasper for Pick-and-Place Manipulation Ravesh Sukhnandan, Yanjun Li, Yu Wang, Anaya Bhammar, Kevin Dai, Michael Bennington, Hillel J Chiel, Roger D Quinn, Victoria A Webster-Wood
A bioinspired synthetic nervous system controller for pick-and-place manipulation Yanjun Li, Ravesh Sukhnandan, Jeffrey P Gill, Hillel J Chiel, Victoria Webster-Wood, Roger D Quinn
Design and Characterization of Viscoelastic McKibben Actuators with Tunable Force-Velocity Curves Michael J Bennington, Tuo Wang, Jiaguo Yin, Sarah Bergbreiter, Carmel Majidi, Victoria A Webster-Wood
Gecko adhesion based sea star crawler robot Sampada Acharya, Peter Roberts, Tejas Rane, Raghav Singhal, Peize Hong, Viraj Ranade, Carmel Majidi, Victoria Webster-Wood, B Reeja-Jayan
Human subcutaneous adipose tissue variability is driven by VEGFA, ACTA2, adipocyte density, and ancestral history of the patient Megan K DeBari, Elizabeth K Johnston, Jacqueline V Scott, Erica Iizuka, Wenhuan Sun, Victoria A Webster-Wood, Rosalyn D Abbott
Semi-automated quantitative evaluation of neuron developmental morphology in vitro using the change-point test Ashlee S Liao, Wenxin Cui, Yongjie Jessica Zhang, Victoria A Webster-Wood
GymSlug: Deep Reinforcement Learning Toward Bio-inspired Control Based on Aplysia californica Feeding Hillel J Chiel, Victoria A Webster-Wood
Biohybrid robots: recent progress, challenges, and perspectives Victoria A Webster-Wood, Maria Guix, Nicole W Xu, Bahareh Behkam, Hirotaka Sato, Deblina Sarkar, Samuel Sanchez, Masahiro Shimizu, Kevin Kit Parker
It’s Alive! From Bioinspired to Biohybrid Robots Victoria A Webster-Wood
GymSlug: Deep Reinforcement Learning Toward Bio-inspired Control Based on Aplysia californica Feeding Wenhuan Sun, Mengdi Xu, Jeffrey P Gill, Peter J Thomas, Hillel J Chiel, Victoria A Webster-Wood
A computational approach for contactless muscle force and strain estimations in distributed actuation biohybrid mesh constructs Saul Schaffer, Janice Seungyeon Lee, Lameck Beni, Victoria A Webster-Wood
Design of a Biomolecular Neuristor Circuit for Bioinspired Control Ahmed S Mohamed, Ashlee S Liao, Yongjie Jessica Zhang, Victoria A Webster-Wood, Joseph S Najem
A Synthetic Nervous System Controls a Biomechanical Model of Aplysia Feeding Yanjun Li, Victoria A Webster-Wood, Jeffrey P Gill, Gregory P Sutton, Hillel J Chiel, Roger D Quinn
SLUGBOT, an Aplysia -Inspired Robotic Grasper for Studying Control Kevin Dai, Ravesh Sukhnandan, Michael Bennington, Karen Whirley, Ryan Bao, Lu Li, Jeffrey P Gill, Hillel J Chiel, Victoria A Webster-Wood
Design of a biomimetic tactile sensor for material classification Kevin Dai, Xinyu Wang, Allison M Rojas, Evan Harber, Yu Tian, Nicholas Paiva, Joseph Gnehm, Evan Schindewolf, Howie Choset, Victoria A Webster-Wood, Lu Li
A magnetorheological fluid-based damper towards increased biomimetism in soft robotic actuators Ravesh Sukhnandan, Kevin Dai, Victoria Webster–Wood
Modeling neuron growth using isogeometric collocation based phase field method Kuanren Qian, Aishwarya Pawar, Ashlee Liao, Cosmin Anitescu, Victoria Webster-Wood, Adam W Feinberg, Timon Rabczuk, Yongjie Jessica Zhang
Quantitative evaluation of neuron developmental morphology in vitro using the change-point test Ashlee Liao, Wenxin Cui, Yongjie Jessica Zhang, Victoria Webster-Wood
Continuous fiber extruder for desktop 3D printers toward long fiber embedded hydrogel 3D printing Wenhuan Sun, Adam Feinberg, Victoria Webster-Wood
An integrated computer vision system for real-time monitoring and control of long-fiber embedded hydrogel 3D printing Wenhuan Sun, Victoria Webster-Wood
Long-fiber embedded hydrogel 3D printing for structural reinforcement Wenhuan Sun, Joshua W Tashman, Daniel J Shiwarski, Adam W Feinberg, Victoria A Webster-Wood
Tuning the mechanical and geometric properties of electrochemically aligned collagen threads toward applications in biohybrid robotics Wenhuan Sun, Jason Paulovich, Victoria Webster-Wood
3D printing hydrogel-based soft and biohybrid actuators: A mini-review on fabrication techniques, applications, and challenges Wenhuan Sun, Saul Schaffer, Kevin Dai, Lining Yao, Adam Feinberg, Victoria Webster-Wood
Volumetric MicroCT Intensity Histograms of Fatty Infiltration Correlate with the Mechanical Strength of Rotator Cuff Repairs: An Ex Vivo Rabbit Model Phillip E McClellan, Lekha Kesavan, Yujing Wen, Jason Ina, Derrick M Knapik, Robert J Gillespie, Ozan Akkus, Victoria A Webster-Wood
Quantification of neuron morphological development using the change-point test AS Liao, VA Webster-Wood, YJ Zhang
Control for multifunctionality: bioinspired control based on feeding in Aplysia californica Victoria A Webster-Wood, Jeffrey P Gill, Peter J Thomas, Hillel J Chiel
A tunable magnet-based tactile sensor framework Evan Harber, Evan Schindewolf, Vickie Webster-Wood, Howie Choset, Lu Li
Ultra Low-Cost Printable Folding Robots Saul Schaffer, Emily Wang, Nathan Cooper, Bo Li, Zeynep Temel, Ozan Akkus, Victoria A Webster-Wood
Biohybrid actuators for soft robotics: Challenges in scaling up Phillip Won, Seung Hwan Ko, Carmel Majidi, Adam W Feinberg, Victoria A Webster-Wood