
Jessica Zhang is the George Tallman Ladd and Florence Barrett Ladd Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University with a courtesy appointment in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. She received her B.Eng. in Automotive Engineering and M.Eng. in Engineering Mechanics from Tsinghua University, China, and M.Eng. in Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, and Ph.D. in Computational Engineering and Sciences from the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (now Oden Institute), the University of Texas at Austin.

Zhang’s research interests include computational geometry, isogeometric analysis, finite element method, data-driven modeling, image processing, mesh generation, and their applications in computational biomedicine, materials science and engineering. Zhang’s group develops novel algorithms on biomodeling at molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ scales, and explores applications in various application fields. She has published over 200 technical articles in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.

Zhang is the recipient of Simons Visiting Professorship from Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach of Germany, US Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, NSF CAREER Award, Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, and US Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM) Gallagher Young Investigator Award. At CMU, she received David P. Casasent Outstanding Research Award, George Tallman Ladd and Florence Barrett Ladd Research Professorship, Clarence H. Adamson Career Faculty Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, Donald L. & Rhonda Struminger Faculty Fellow, and George Tallman Ladd Research Award. She is a Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineers (IAMBE), American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), USACM, Solid Modeling Association (SMA), and Executive Leadership in Academic Technology, Engineering and Science (ELATES) at Drexel.

360 Scaife Hall
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Jessica Zhang
Computational Bio-Modeling Lab
Jessica Zhang’s CV

Using Computational Design to Improve Modeling

Image Modeling for Biomedical Organs


2005 Ph.D., Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, University of Texas, Austin

2002 Master of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Texas, Austin

1999 Master of Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University

1996 Bachelor of Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University

Media mentions

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Zhang selected as 2025 AWM-SIAM Kovalevsky Lecturer

MechE’s Jessica Zhang has been selected as the 2025 AWM-SIAM Kovalevsky Lecturer from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics in recognition of her work in computational geometry and finite element methods.


Zhang receives 2025 ASME Van C. Mow Medal

MechE’s Jessica Zhang was recently selected to receive the 2025 ASME Van C. Mow Medal, which is bestowed upon an individual who has demonstrated meritorious contributions to the field of bioengineering through research, education, professional development, leadership in the development of the profession, mentorship to young bioengineers, and with service to the bioengineering community.


Zhang awarded AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture Prize

MechE’s Jessica Zhang was recently awarded the prestigious 2025 AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture Prize, which is awarded annually by the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) and SIAM to highlight significant contributions of women to applied or computational mathematics. The lecture is normally given at the SIAM Annual Meeting.

CMU Engineering

Biological neural circuits critical for neurodegenerative disease therapy and biohybrid robot control

To support the development of new therapies for neurodegenerative disease and advance biohybrid robots, Jessica Zhang and Victoria Webster-Wood will lead a project to develop computational tools to predict neuron growth and transport regulation.

Zhang delivers two keynotes in Eurpoe

MechE’s Jessica Zhang recently delivered keynote lectures to present her latest research in two workshops in Europe.


Zhang receives IACM Fellows Award

MechE’s Jessica Zhang received the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) Fellows Award during the the 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanic


Zhang featured in Celebrating Women at SIAM

MechE’s Jessica Zhang was featured by SIAM in celebrating Women’s History Month, for her contributions to the applied mathematics and computational science field.


Zhang presents at ASME IMECE

MechE’s Jessica Zhang presented at the ASME IMECE: CONCAM Distinguished Lectures on Computational Mechanics, where she discussed her research on modeling traffic jam and growth process of neurons using isogeomtric analysis and physics-informed neural network.

IMACS World Congress

Zhang delivers IMACS keynote

MechE’s Jessica Zhang delivered a virtual keynote at the 21st International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS) World Congress conference.

CMU Engineering

Branching out: Modeling neurons in new ways

Predicting neuron cell growth just got a little bit easier, thanks to CMU researchers.

Biomechanics Workshop of Program Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Modeling of Materials on Mathematical Mechanical Biology

Zhang speaks at biometrics workshop

MechE’s Jessica Zhang spoke at Biomechanics Workshop of Program Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Modeling of Materials on Mathematical Mechanical Biology: Old School and New School, Methods and Applications at Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK on July 31 - August 4.


Zhang elected IAMBE fellow

MechE’s Jessica Zhang has been elected to the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineers (IAMBE), class of 2023. IAMBE is made up of fellows who are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the profession of medical and biological engineering.