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Tomorrow's talent is ready today: The next generation of innovation leaders isn’t just working in the classrooms and labs of Carnegie Mellon’s MS in ETIM program. They’re also found in many of the world’s most innovative companies—enterprises whose investments in internships and capstone projects with us have helped build their talent pipelines and grown their balance sheets.
Make your world their world
Our students are among the best and brightest scientific and engineering minds you’ll find anywhere. It’s here that they hone their technical acuity and learn the frameworks and specialized business management skills that today’s innovation leaders require.
Carnegie Mellon is the #1 Private University for Recruiting
ranked by top corporate recruiters in a recent Wall Street Journal survey
Tap our talent
Provide a summer internship: Internships expose talented students to the demands of your culture and the expectations of your workplace. It’s a low-cost way to test their mettle before making them full-time employees.
Sponsor a capstone project: There’s no better way to get fresh thinking on a tough real-world problem than to sponsor an ETIM Capstone Project. Let us put together a team that will break your log jam and open new possibilities.
Post positions to Handshake: Handshake is Carnegie Mellon’s online recruiting system. We’re happy to assist you in getting started.