TechSpark’s Maker Series

Courses offered each mini.

TechSpark’s Partnered Courses

Subject to change. Contact current instructor.
Course Course Name Location Units Semester Offered
12-100 Exploring CEE: Infrastructure and Environment in a Changing World Pittsburgh 12 Fall, Spring
12-200 CEE Challenges: Design in a Changing World Pittsburgh 9 Fall
12-301 CEE Projects: Designing the Built, Natural and Information Environments Pittsburgh 9 Fall
12-401 Civil & Environmental Engineering Design Pittsburgh 12 Fall
18-100 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering Pittsburgh 12 Fall, Spring
18-220 Electronic Devices and Analog Circuits Pittsburgh 12 Fall, Spring
18-320 Microelectronic Circuits Pittsburgh 12 Spring
18-349 Introduction to Embedded Systems Pittsburgh 12 Fall, Spring
18-370 Fundamentals of Control Pittsburgh 12 Fall
18-500 ECE Design Experience Pittsburgh 12 Fall, Spring
18-578 Mechatronic Design Pittsburgh 12 Spring
24-101 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Pittsburgh 12 Fall, Spring
24-262 Mechanics II: 3D Design Pittsburgh 10 Spring
24-354 Special Topics: Gadgetry: Sensors, Actuators, and Processors Pittsburgh 9 Fall
24-370 Mechanical Design: Methods and Applications Pittsburgh 12 Fall
24-441 Product Design Pittsburgh 12 Fall, Spring
24-632 Special Topics: Additive Manufacturing Processing and Product Development Pittsburgh 12 Fall
24-671 Special Topics: Electromechanical Systems Design Pittsburgh 12 Fall, Spring
24-672 Special Topics in DIY Design and Fabrication Pittsburgh 12 Fall
24-683 Design for Manufacture and the Environment Pittsburgh 12 Fall
24-686 Special Topics in Advanced Mechanical Design Pittsburgh 12 Fall
24-689 Special Topics: Modern Manufacturing in Steeltown Pittsburgh 12 Spring
24-692 Special Topics: Engineering a Startup: How to Start and Grow a Hardware Company Pittsburgh 12 Fall
24-775 Special Topics: Robot Design & Experimentation Pittsburgh 12 Spring
27-401 MSE Capstone Course I Pittsburgh 6 Fall
27-592 Solidification Processing Pittsburgh 9 Intermittent
42-401 Foundation of BME Design Pittsburgh 6 Fall
42-402 BME Design Project Pittsburgh 9 Spring
42-678 Medical Device Realization Pittsburgh 6 Spring