PI: Ana Ines Torres

Co-PI(s): Ignacio E. Grossmann

University: Carnegie Mellon University

Industry partner: Shell Polymers

This proposal aims to develop a decision-making tool to assist chemical industries in their transition to decarbonization. Most chemical industry operations rely on using fossils as feedstock or to satisfy their energy needs, which results in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Ambitious decarbonization goals imply that companies need to switch to low-carbon alternatives. Such a switch requires phasing out assets that are still valuable for possibly not yet mature-technologies. Switching too early is associated with higher costs while switching too late results in larger carbon footprints and a decline in public image. The proposed decision-making tool will consider a given process flowsheet, representing the current operations in a plant, a list of decarbonization initiatives based on electrification with their associated TRL (Technology Readiness Level), costs, uncertainties, etc., and return an optimal technology switch strategy and the timeline for its implementation. The proposed PITA project will involve a collaboration with Shell.