PI: Rahul Panat

Co-PI(s): N/A

University: Carnegie Mellon University

Industry partner: Power3D Inc.

An important challenge in Li-ion batteries (LIBs) is the dilemma between electrode thickness and power capability. Increasing electrode thickness reduces non-active components (e.g., current collectors, separators, etc.) resulting in large gains in energy density and saving costs. Increasing electrode thickness, however, delays the Lithium transport causing poor power performance and capacity loss. In this exciting industry-academia collaboration, Prof. Panat will work with Power 3D Inc., a PA-based startup company, to overcome this limitation and demonstrate high-capacity LIBs with three-dimensional structured ultra-thick electrodes (UTEs) made by a scalable 3D printing technique. Specifically, the PI will carry out research that leads to batteries with >50% improvement in capacity and ultrafast charging rates (80% state-of-charge or SOC in just 10 minutes). The proposed work will directly impact various sectors including electric mobility.