Media mentions

Fast Company

Whitefoot quoted on EV metrics

EPP/MechE's Kate Whitefoot was quoted in Fast Company about the role of metrics in EV advertising.

Additive Manufacturing Media

CMU preparing industry and students for future of AM with AI

Work underway at Carnegie Mellon is helping industrial additive manufacturers achieve success today, while applying artificial intelligence to designing AM alloys, optimizing AM parameters, lowering AM’s skills barrier and addressing a fundamental AM problem—spatter.

Three new professorships in Mechanical Engineering

Three new professorships were announced in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Interesting Engineering

LeDuc, Ozdoganlar, and Yang featured in Interesting Engineering

MechE’s Philip LeDuc, Burak Ozdoganlar, and Feimo Yang have developed a new tissue engineering technique that may alleviate the organ transplantation crisis. The work was featured in Interesting Engineering.