Dual-degree Ph.D. program with Howard University

Carnegie Mellon University’s College of Engineering and Howard University’s College of Engineering and Architecture jointly offer a dual Ph.D. program that grants doctoral degrees from both institutions. This unique program provides students with two academic advisors and access to an extensive range of courses and research facilities. Moreover, students benefit from being part of vibrant research communities in two major metropolitan areas: Pittsburgh, PA, and Washington, DC.


Application and admissions details

  • To qualify for this dual-degree program, students must apply and be admitted to Ph.D. programs from both institutions.
  • Each program must be housed with the engineering colleges at both institutions, however it is not required they be from the same department.
  • The eligible Howard University academic programs are Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science.
  • The eligible Carnegie Mellon University academic programs are Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering and Public Policy, and Materials Science and Engineering.

Program details

  • Students will balance their time at each institution, spending at least three academic semesters at each location.
  • Each program will assign an advisor to collaborate with students on research and coursework selection, satisfying the requirements of both programs.
  • Students may transfer courses between the programs.
  • Students will be required to meet all qualification exams at each institution.
  • Students will propose, conduct, submit, and defend a single dissertation during a single exam.

For questions about the Howard dual degree program, please contact the Office of Faculty and Graduate Affairs at gradengineering@cmu.edu.