Jana Kainerstorfer

Media mentions

The Verge

Michalek discusses his research on EV adoption in rural communities

EPP/MechE’s Jeremy Michalek discusses his research on EV adoption in rural communities in The Verge. “If electric vehicles are offered as ubiquitously as gasoline vehicles, and if their technology goes where we think it’s going to go, then we would expect roughly half of people to prefer an electric over a gasoline for both cars and SUVs,” he says.


Halilaj speaks on the benefits of using AI for biomechanical analyses

MechE’s Eni Hallilaj speaks on the benefits of using AI for biomechanical analyses in Medscape. Especially for “highly heterogeneous conditions that we have not been able to fully characterize through traditional studies with limited patients,” the app allows for the possibility of having hundreds or even thousands involved in studies.

Science Robotics

CMU-Africa researchers published in Science Robotics

CMU-Africa researchers were published in Science Robotics, as a Focus article, for their work with culturally sensitive robotics.


Webster-Wood talks with Nature about biohybrid robots

MechE’s Victoria Webster-Wood talks with Nature about biohybrid robots. “A biohybrid is really any robot that combines both biological materials and synthetic materials,” she says.